There are several legitimate strategies that can protect your personal assets from creditors and lawsuits. These can range from the most basic and traditional, such as obtaining insurance policies or forming a business entity to hold assets, to more complex planning, such as family limited partnerships and asset protection trusts. We are here to help you choose the right types of protection for your specific circumstances.
Probate is a court-supervised procedure which allows a deceased person’s estate to be administered and for assets to be distributed. If the decedent did not have a trust, and either owned real property, or had a combined estate with a value greater than $100,000 but which lacks proper beneficiary designations or transfer on death alternatives, then Probate is required. If the beneficiaries of the decedent are in mutual agreement with what is to be done, we can assist you through a process called Informal Probate.
If you plan to acquire or sell real property, or would like to transfer your existing property into a separate entity, we can provide you with assistance. We have experience with drafting and reviewing real estate purchase contracts, loan documents, deeds, agreements, and can help verify a clean title and transfer.